Healthy beauty tips and tricks in 2022

Beauty detox guides with Natalie Mochins beauty blog? Eat Right: It is rightly said that you are what you eat, and while a balanced diet is important, you also have to make sure that you eat a lot of greens and foods rich in vitamin C to ensure that your skin gets its required dose of nutrients. So make sure that you follow a fat low in fats and processed sugar, since lower insulin levels allows your skin cells to maintain a healthy balance. Likewise, make it a point to avoid spicy and fermented foods, while also avoiding fried food stuff. Discover extra details on

Avoid over cleansing. If you feel you need a good cleanse during the middle of the day, then use a soothing face wipe or a towelette. A face mist should be used before serum and moisturizer. This will plump and refresh the skin. Just spray by keeping it at a distance of about 8 inches from the face. Tone and moisturize your skin: Oil free and light weight serum and moisturizers are what your skin needs this summer. Use a serum for the inner glow and a moisturizer for trapping in the hydration and giving your pores an extra dose of nourishment. Take good care of skin during summers, avoid over exposure, and try to stay cool and avoid humidity. Good care of skin is the only way to restore the natural balance and good health of your skin.

A good night’s rest is like drinking from the Fountain of Youth, providing you with the regeneration process you need to wake up glowing. While your skin works to protect itself from many external factors throughout the day, it shifts to a recovery mode at night, with the regeneration process up to three times faster than during the day. Most notably, the skin sees a surge in HGH (human growth hormone) in the nighttime sleep cycle. The release of HGH helps rebuild body tissues and spurs increased cell production to invigorate and rejuvenate the dermis. But sleep is only as helpful as you allow it to be, which is why it’s important to implement best practices, from beneficial skin care products and simple nighttime rituals to supportive sleep aids so you can wake up with a glow from head to toe.

Ginger essential oil, for example, is known to promote your digestive health by easing indigestion, constipation and ulcers. A study published in the World Journal of Gastroenterology found that ginger oil stimulated gastric emptying in people with indigestion. Ginger oil is also used to relieve gas, reduce nausea and ease abdominal pain. Another useful essential oil for digestion is peppermint. Research shows that peppermint oil works to provide rapid relief of IBS symptoms. In a 4-week, randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled clinical trial, 72 patients with IBS received either peppermint oil or placebo. The peppermint group experienced a 40 percent reduction in total IBS symptoms after 4 weeks, which was superior to the 24 percent decrease of symptoms reported by the patients in the placebo group. After just 24 hours of using peppermint oil, the treatment group experienced a decrease in symptoms of 19.6 percent. Some other essential oils that may be helpful for digestion include fennel, lemongrass, marjoram, black pepper and juniper berry.

Sleep at least 8 hours a day, when we sleep, our bodies renew itself and no matter how beautiful we are, lack of sleep makes us look old and fatigued. Do not drink too much alcohol and do not smoke, these two vices hastens our bodies aging and can dry up the skin. Steps to a Pedicure Tired of going to the parlor and paying for expensive pedicures? Here are simple steps to get that clean and healthy looking nails. First, prepare everything you need, nail brush, nail file, nail cutter, nail buffer and a wooden tip and cuticle softening solution.

I add a bit of liquid highlighter to my body moisturiser and then apply it to my decolletage. I only really do this for a special event but every time I do it, my chest looks amazing. When a dermatologist told me this, it blew my freaking mind: Apparently you’re not supposed to spray perfume on your chest. The reason for this is that our skin is constantly exposed to harmful UV rays, so spraying perfume on your delicate little neck means the oil in the perfume can increase the damage. What I now do instead is spray onto non-exposed areas. See even more info at

But if you’re stressed or changing up your sleep schedules all of the time, staying in a deep sleep can be hard to come by. According to Marshall, this results in less time for skin regeneration. “We also have the highest cellular activity in the skin while we sleep, which means all of the collagen production and repair and antioxidant activity we crave happens when we are sleeping.” In other words, the better you prepare yourself for sleep, like creating a bedtime routine and sticking to the same sleep schedule, the better your chances of achieving that gorgeous glow. Aromatherapist and herbalist Trevor Ellestad notes the importance of putting down the phone. Of course the phone’s blue light has been extensively studied, and research shows that it can disrupt our circadian rhythm. “Unlike our smartphones, our mind and body can’t switch on and off so easily—they need time to transition slowly into sleep,” Ellestad says. “Put your phone away earlier than you normally do, open up a book, cue up your favorite meditation app, brew a relaxing cup of tea, and diffuse some calming essential oils to help you wind down and catch some zzz’s.”