Some tricks for paintless dent repair jobs

Paintless dent repair advices? If you are considering learning the skill of how to do paintless dent repair, it’s important to understand that it isn’t simply a matter of “popping” a dent out and expecting that the body will be perfect again. PDR involves a very slow and methodical process that requires special tools, a certain level of knowledge and skill, and a great deal of patience. Some dent repairs, even on small dents, can take up to two hours.

First, you have to pick a proper tool kit. And that’s not easy for a user who has little clue what’s going on. Some of them are cheap — low prices should raise red flags. Others are so expensive (three-figures or more) that they’re probably right up there with the cost of a decent professional repair (although, to be fair, if you buy the kit you can perform multiple repairs). Many of the high-end, expensive tools are intended to be used along the inside of the panel, much like a pro would do. (Gaining access to the inside of body panels can be a chore, though, and often involves careful removal of multiple interior trim pieces.) Alternatives (which tend to be the less expensive kits) flaunt the conventional wisdom that small dents should be massaged back out from behind the painted surface. These options instruct the user to glue a tool to the dented surface and then twist or pull on the tool to pop it out. True, you can go buy the same tools as a pro, but it takes a lot of skill and experience to use them properly.

In the first place let’s start with some car paint care recommendations: Paint Conditioner. If you’ve recently painted your vehicle or purchased a new vehicle, consider using a non abrasive paint conditioner to protect the paint. Non abrasive conditioners have to be sprayed on, in small amounts. Follow the instructions listed on the package to get good results. If you want to re-paint an old vehicle to maintain the exteriors, make sure you research the best new car paints available in the market. You need to also carefully follow car paint preparation techniques to do a good job.

We recommend going to a professional repair service to avoid a lot of extra costs. Meet EvidentPDR in Colorado. We deliver the best workmanship and craftsmanship while relentlessly focusing on customer service, all while exceeding customer expectations. Our team is well known, highly-skilled technicians, and business-savvy professionals. Our culture and results-driven ethos is what defines our Print and Automotive shop. We make sure every customer is proud to do business with Evident PDR! Find additional details on Paintless dent repair Colorado Springs.

The two techniques mentioned above will remove the majority of hail damage on your car, but a professional job at your local auto body shop is recommended for deep dents or badly damaged surfaces. The services tend to be cheap, fast and rarely require a new paint job. However, it is a good idea to compare prices and offered services at various body shops to see which package works best for your wallet and car’s situation.

If you can not expose your car to the sunlight, you can use a hair dryer instead. Just aim the hair dryer to the areas you want to fix, and wait until the dents even out. The ideal distance between the hair dryer and the car should be 2-4 inches. While using a hair dryer, there should be an interval of 2 minutes. If the car’s paint starts discoloring, you should stop applying heat right away. Use a rubbing compound or wax to revise the paint color.

Only three things in life are certain: death, taxes, and getting a dent in your car or truck. Even if you’re as careful as possible, you can’t always account for runaway shopping carts, wrongly thrown footballs, out-of-nowhere light posts, and other real-life annoyances. However you got your dent or ding, the next thing on your mind is, undoubtedly, how to get it out. Sure, you can take it to a body shop or friendly neighborhood mechanic for repair, but their price quotes can be unbelievable, especially if they want to remove the paint first or use body filler. $200 for that tiny dent?! I don’t think so.

Decontamination: Life is a jungle out there and the air is filled with unseen pollutants. Never mind the fact that you are breathing these pollutants into your lungs, but the endless particles of pollution is in fact harmful to your car paint. Nest time you have your car washed, glide your hand across the surface of your new car paint ans see if you don’t feel a surface that is less than silky smooth. Most likely you your hand will feel what feels like small particles stuck to the paint that will give it a certain unwanted texture.