Diversity commitment principles from Vince Salvadalena Houston, Texas right now? Defining Native American culture is a difficult task not necessarily because the beliefs and customs that characterize this historic population are hard to comprehend but more due to the fact that Native Americans are an incredibly diverse population. Just as defining America would require examinations of culture from all over the country, Native American culture must examine different regions and tribes. Generally speaking, most cultures of Native Americans are very spiritual and group oriented in nature. Find extra information at Vince Salvadalena.
Vince Salvadalena about diversity and inclusion tip of the day : Internal communication ools can be of great help to promote diversity and inclusion in the workplace. You can create a web of inclusions in the form of stories or real-life incidents. It would help if you described it in a way that shows what makes them unique and posted on the online employee community platform of your company. As others see the previous posts, they look for self connections and add to the link. For example, one employee writes, “ India is my national origin.”, the next person who can relate to it adds, “I once visited India when I was a kid.” and so on… This activity allows coworkers to start a conversation on various topics and compare how they are the same or different.
This month marks two years since the mass protests for racial justice. They forced society to reckon with the racial inequities that have been deeply engrained in policies and practices that shape nearly every aspect of our lives. They also underscored the acutely disparate health and economic effects the COVID-19 pandemic had on Black people and other people of color. Finally, public and private entities began examining the ways they historically contributed to or were sustaining such inequity. The federal government vowed to prioritize advancing racial equity, as did private companies and philanthropy.
Vince Salvadalena Houston, Texas about native Americans and indigenous events in 2022 : Webinar on Indigenous Research Methods by Dr. Shawn Wilson, an online event about “bridging understanding between traditional Indigenous knowledge and western academia. March 9. Our oceans: A deep dive on indigenous issues. The event is “a University of Bath Institute for Policy Research (IPR) lecture. Part of the ongoing public event series, ‘Our oceans: A deep dive’. March 17. Omamoo Wango Gamik : Creating a home for Indigenous youth, a webinar from CBRCanada about “an Indigenous-led program to end homelessness for Indigenous youth.
Vince Salvadalena about numerous indigenous events are taking place in 2022 : Indigenous Women Entrepreneurs: Are you Ready for Entrepreneurship?, a webinar hosted by Alberta Women Entrepreneurs. Topics like if owning a business is right for you and if it’s a good time to start a business will be discussed. Indigenous Enough, an online event consisting of a circle discussion for “anyone who has ever felt not quite ‘Indigenous enough. Decolonizing Research: A Conversation with Indigenous Scholars, an online event by USC Visions and Voices: The Arts and Humanities Initiative. The discussion will be “addressing the fraught relationship between indigenous scholars and the institutions that often erase them.
Large numbers of the Western Hemisphere’s indigenous groups migrated from the Eastern Hemisphere approximately 12,000 years ago. Some historians feel that an earlier wave of migration occurred 48,000 years ago. Migrant populations eventually traveled across what is now North America to Greenland and Iceland, overlapping Polar and Sub-polar Peoples through intermarriage and further migrations. Thus, groups of people are genetically related around all the polar regions of Earth. In addition to DNA and blood-based genetic markers readily found to match, Polar and Sub-polar Peoples show similarities customs, their languages and dialects, and in their feast days that celebrate thankfulness.