Looking for advices on how to increase your skill rating in Overwatch? Mercy is best when paired with a mobile team composition, especially with a Pharah or a sniper to damage boost. Ana is still an extremely valuable choice due to her anti-healing grenades, which negate the wide-spread healing of a Baptiste or Moira. She has to navigate around shields, though, so choose Ana only if you have faith in your team to take down barriers and enable your skills.
Once you hit Level 25, that purple Competitive option will be available for you to select at the “Play” menu. You’ll have 10 placement matches, which will ultimately determine what your starting rank is. Most people land in Silver/Gold territory. Just remember that Overwatch’s matchmaking system is more tied to wins and losses than kills and deaths, so you should prioritize being a team player if you want to rank highly. Each rank in Overwatch has its own distinctive type of play. In Bronze and Silver, you’ll mostly encounter players who play their favourite heroes. This is the most casual tier of Competitive play, after all.
Do not Tilt. There are a lot of passionate gamers thinking – “Ok, I lost 5 games in a row, but I won’t stop until I win 10 now!”. And what you think? In most cases they will just lose even more. What is the reason behind all these loses? Well, maybe Instead of focusing on the game and thinking about it 100% of the time while playing, you start to think about wins or how bad your teammates are, missing a lot of opportunites to carry the game in the meantime. So when you start tilting – just take break.
Skill rating improvement trick: Have a flexible hero pool: It’s OK to only be good at one hero, but there are going to be times when someone gets your main first. You can ask the person to switch—nicely, of course—but if they refuse, then just play someone else. This is where being flexible comes in. Find other heroes you enjoy playing, heroes that use the same strengths as your main. Use the off-season to practice new heroes, or take a break from competitive and give Mystery Heroes a try. Playing all the heroes is the only way to see if they fit your style, and you’ll be a better teammate if you can fill a variety of roles. Alternatively you can attempt to get help from a professional skill rating improvement service. Discover more info at Overwatch Boost.
Mastering a role is difficult, but with practice, you’ll come to learn how most heroes in your pool operate and how to utilize them efficiently. Tank players should always be looking for ways to protect their teammates and make space for them, whilst also taking as little damage as possible themselves. Supports have to use good positioning and movement to make themselves harder to attack, and damage dealers should focus on honing their aim and using the space that tank players create for them. Unfortunately, there’s no specific tip we can give for this — it can only be learned through practice.