Top profits on Youtube ? As the kids have shown, the videos are just the start. Ryan now has a line of branded toys, clothing and home goods sold at Target, Walmart and Amazon, a spinoff television show on Nickelodeon and a deal with Hulu to repackage his videos. Nastya, who gets six-figure checks from sponsor brands including Dannon and Legoland, will be launching a line of toys and mobile game, and publishing a book next year. Last year, she moved with her parents from Krasnodar, Russia, and now lives in Boca Raton, Florida. Videos with children in them average almost three times as many views as other types of videos from high-subscriber channels, according to a Pew Research Center study done this year. Another Pew study revealed that 81% of parents with children 11 or younger let their kids watch YouTube.
Seth Rogen stars as a reporter who ends up crossing paths again with his former babysitter, played by Charlize Theron. Big twist? She’s also Secretary of State. But the impossible set up proves to be a charming enough entry with the help of its cast. Rogen and Theron make up for more than a few structural issues in this otherwise hilarious comedy. The Beach Bum should have just been terrible, and yet, it is the absolute perfect comedic vehicle for Matthew McConaughey. While the actor has been making more dramatic turns lately, The Beach Bum has him playing the slightly scruffy, rough around the edges stoner bro that’s always prepped and ready for a drink on the beach. It’s not his greatest film, but if any movie has captured McConaughey’s aesthetic, it’s this one.
Ultimate Dog Tease: The “Ultimate Dog Tease” 2011 clip by Andrew Grantham features a cute little doggy who really loves food and cannot believe his owner is being so stingy with said food. Oh, and, the dog can talk. There’s a reason why this video has been viewed 200 million times. FailArmy Logo: FailArmy has one of the most addictive YouTube channels around. Go back in time to the 2013 “Ultimate Fails” compilation. While every year brings the funny, the 2013 compilation is one of the most viewed humor clips on YouTube. Filled with hilarious (and often painful-looking!) fails, this is 33 minutes of pure laughter. Discover additional funny movies on yt.
Best clip for a song in 2019 ? With two albums in 2019 stuffed full of instantly classic songs – Forgotten Eyes, Cattails, Shoulders, Orange – Brooklyn’s Big Thief are the band of the year. Votes from our critics were split across six different songs, but edging out in front was Not, a masterpiece of indie rock with a savage truth at its heart. In a world besieged by lies, we can no longer say what we are, only what we’re not. This comes out as a wry, poetic laundry list from Adrianne Lenker: “Not a ruse / Not heat / Not the fire lapping up the creek / Not food / That you eat.” The matter-bending guitar solo has the ragged glory of Neil Young’s finest.